We celebrated Princess Tori's 4th birthday with a very special Princess Tea Party. It was so cute. You can tell from the pictures that she and her "royal court" had a wonderful time. I will warn you, there are TONS of pictures. Hope you enjoy.
The party was at Thrillz Gifts and they had all the princess outfits and costumes for everyone. Tori wanted to be The Little Mermaid and we had bought her one at the Disney Store so we let her open it before the party began.

OH MY GOODNESS!!! What is in here?!?!?

Princess Tori showing off her new outfit and her BIG smile!!!

Princess Tori and Mimi

Mimi with her precious grandbabies.

Isn't she just the sweetest!!!

Story Time.

Lane and Papaw.
The guests begin to arrive and get dressed.

Princess Tori with her court, Kamden (BFF) and Mary Paige.

Princess Tori and Mary Paige enjoying the books.

Tori receiving her crown and wand with Kamden watching and waiting.

Sir Maddox

Sir Maddox standing guard as they enjoy story time.

Princess Tori and her court learn to set a table. They actually enjoyed it.

Decorating their placemats.

Lane found his own entertainment...playing with the water fountain. Isn't he precious in his cap?

Princess Tori and her friends enjoying the "royal fare" (food that is).

Princess Tori serving her royal tea. They put punch in the tea pot for her to pour. She had a blast.

Lane was enjoying some "royal" cheetos.

Happy Birthday to you!!!

You can tell she feels special from that little smile on her face...and of course we think she is!

Time to open some presents.

Maddox presenting his special gift just from him...mardi gra beads. Jennifer said he wanted to bring her a special gift. That is SO sweet.

Look what I got...Tinkerbell!

Brayden gave me a sleeping bag and said I can go camping now.

Princess Tori thanks all of her friends for the presents and for coming to her Tea Party. Such sweet manners and an even sweeter Little Princess!!